Monday, May 10, 2010

The advantages of wearing dark glasses and using tells in poker!

I was the second chip leader after day one in my batch in the main event of WSOP  2005. The end of day one was  approaching fast and I had done really well so far and sitting good with a substantial chip lead. I was bullying the table around with my chip stack and everyone kept folding as they all wanted to survive the day one and not mess with the chip leader. So I looked down to see A 10  under the gun and raised. Now the second chip stack, who was also the button thought for a while and re raised. I thought that this guy might have enough of me and was up for a rebellion and not let me bully the table anymore as he was the second chip leader at the table.  So I will just call him a "rebel" henceforth...and thought, what the heck..... I might flop something good and might take all his chips, so I called.

The flop came a very lousy K 7 2, and in order to continue with my bully style and buy that pot I threw in a pot size bet thinking that the rebel would fold. But instead he  re-raised me three times my original bet! But the way he put his bet in and by his body language, I sensed some weakness and thought that he was just doing that to deter me from bullying around anymore, So....... with my huge ego.... I re-raised the pot size and to my disbelief, The rebel re-raised the whole pot. And I was damn! What the heck I just do and was crying within myself as I had already blown away a substantial amount of my chips on a stone cold bluff.

So sulking and crying within, I thought that I would do some Hollywood on him and eventually throw my cards away to save face. So I asked confidently..... "How much you got left sir?" and he counted down his chips to tell me how much he was left with which was easily covered by me. So I started pretending and counting my own stack to imply how much I would be left with If I made that call. I was wearing my dark poker glasses and my red baseball hat and counting down my chips confidently making enough waves that I was very serious about making a call.  I was taking all my time and almost 4 minutes had passed and all that time when I was pretending to be counting my chips, actually from the corner of my eyes behind my dark glasses I was looking at the "rebel" just to see how he reacts. At first he seemed very confident, but as time passed and I kept counting my chips......  AND I SAW IT....... He kept looking at me and his eyes were blinking with sheer nervousness. And I thought... WOW! look at that....... he is freaking so nervous....but I dont have anything and I would be really crippled if I did go ALL IN and  he decides to call. But I was so confident that he was extremely nervous and something was bugging him......I thought of taking my chances! and I declared.... " I am  all in".

The rebel was so disgusted and threw his card away face up! Q Q  . I took a big breath of great relief and  was so thrilled with my daring play based on the body language and tells. OK.....things to be learned from this play..... you wear glasses not only to hide your eyes....but not to let other people know what you are looking at all the time. The second thing....if you are playing for big money......the more time you take in making a call at troubled situations, the more tells you can get out of your opponents.  The last and the most important, if you are looking for a genuine tell, dont look at your opponent and letting him know that you are looking for tells,   as the top pros can easily disguise their tells which can be very deceptive. Be your normal self, dont even look at what you are doing with confidence, take time.....and from the corner of your eyes without letting them know, keep looking for tells!!!

I live in Las Vegas and available for one on one coaching on winning tournament poker . If you follow my guidelines on how to play poker, I personally assure and guarantee you that you will start making money playing poker. Please email me at "" to find out more about what I have to offer.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog and learned something new today. I wish you all the best with your poker dreams!

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